Steps to Import Form 1095-B data with ExpressIRSForms

If you select the "employer" as the filer type when you start your ACA return with ExpressIRSForms, you can use the ExpressIRSForms "1095-B Employer template" to upload your Form 1095-B data:

  • Step 1: Download our custom excel template of Form 1095-B for employer.

  • Step 2: Fill in the required Employee, Issuer or Other Coverage Provider, and Covered Individual details.

  • Step 3: Upload the 1095-B employer template, Preview the data that’s being uploaded & Process the data.

  • Step 4: View and resolve any upload errors that occur by exporting them.

  • Step 5: Review your finalized Forms 1095-B and download them or transmit them directly to the IRS.

As you get started importing your 1095-B data with ExpressIRSForms Employer template, be sure to keep these points in mind to make your process as easy as possible:

  • All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and must be completed before upload.

  • Do not change the format, including the headers, of the ExpressIRSForms Excel template.

  • Verify that there are no blank rows between each employee record in the spreadsheet.

  • Verify that your employees' last names and SSNs match IRS records.

Order of Data Input for the ExpressIRSForms 1095-B Employer Template

Employee Details

  • First Name* - Employee first name
  • Middle Name - Employee middle name
  • Last Name* - Employee last name
  • Suffix - Employee Suffix
  • SSN* - Employee social security number, formatted as XXX-XX-XXXX or XXXXXXXXX
  • DOB - Employee date of birth
  • Address Line 1* - Employee address
  • Address Line 2 - Continuation of employee address
  • City* - Employee city
  • State* - Employee state, chosen from the drop down menu of 2-character state codes
  • ZIP Code* - Employee zip code, formatted as XXXXX, XXXXX-XXXX, or XXXXXXXXX
  • Country - Employee state, chosen from the drop down menu of 2-character state codes
  • Email Address - Employee email address, e.g.
  • Fax Number - Employee fax number, formatted as XXX-XXX-XXXX or XXXXXXXXXX
  • Telephone - Employee telephone number, formatted as XXX-XXX-XXXX or XXXXXXXXXX
  • Employee ID - Employee identification number
  • Origin of Policy* - Applicable origin of policy code
    A. Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP)
    B. Employer-sponsored coverage
    C. Government-sponsored coverage
    D. Individual market insurance
    E. Multiemployer plan
    F. Other designated Minimum Essential Coverage

Issuer or Other Coverage Provider Details

Complete this part only if C-F in the Origin of Policy Code, if you have entered A or B in Origin of Policy Code, please use our 1095-B Insurer Template to input your 1095-B data.

  • Business Name - Business name
  • EIN - Issuer Employer Identification Number, formatted as XX-XXXXXXX or XXXXXXXXX
  • Telephone - Issuer's telephone number, formatted as XXX-XXX-XXXX or XXXXXXXXXX
  • Address line 1 - Issuer address
  • Address line 2 - Continuation of issuer address
  • City - Issuer city
  • State - Issuer state, choose from the drop down menu of 2-character state codes
  • ZIP Code - Issuer zip code, formatted as XXXXX, XXXXX-XXXX, or XXXXXXXXX
  • Country - Employer zip code, formatted as XXXXX, XXXXX-XXXX, or XXXXXXXXX

Covered Individuals

  • First Name* - Covered Individual first name
  • Middle Name - Covered Individual middle name
  • Last Name* - Covered Individual last name
  • Suffix - Covered Individual suffix
  • SSN* Covered Individual social security number, formatted as XXX-XX-XXXX or XXXXXXXXX
  • DOB - Covered Individual date of birth, formatted as MM/DD/YYYY (mandatory if SSN unavailable)
  • All 12 Months - Choose "Yes" if the individual is covered all 12 months; otherwise, choose "Yes" in each applicable month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)

The ExpressIRSForms Post-Upload Process for 1095-B ACA Data

Import and Review Data

  • When you upload your completed 1095-B employer template into ExpressIRSForms, you'll see a preview of the data being input..
  • Once the file is processed, a summary of the import is shown with details like your total number of employees, as well as a total number of successfully imported employees and the number of those who were skipped.

View Errors (if any):

  • If the Summary shows employees skipped, click "View Errors" for a brief explanation as to why.
  • Export the Error File, and fix the error(s) indicated in the "Error Message" field.
  • Upload the corrected file again to successfully e-file Form 1095-B to the IRS!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our dedicated U.S. based support team at (704) 684-4751 or

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